Hello Fellow Orange County Citizens

Hi everyone, I know many of you are just learning about me so please take a moment and look through my pages and posts. I hide nothing and re-post any comments so long as they are family friendly. My contact info is also provided  in the Bio and I will speak to anyone on any subject . Please find me on Face Book as well.
If you like what you see here you MUST share with everyone you can any way you can. We can not afford to remain on sidelines another year.We CAN make Orange better by returning to the basic principles of liberty.

Why am I running for BOCC

There is not one Republican – or a Conservative of any party affiliation, for that matter – on the Orange County Board of Commissioners and no one can tell me, historically, if there ever was. I hope to change that.

Anything so weighted to one side tends to move in a circle and that ‘circular motion’ exhibited by the current Board does not serve our County’s best interests.

The current Board and their predecessors methods of governing have sought to make our community better by taking the form of a tool. Their quest to “improve our lives” has been done so to-date by:

  • Ratcheting  Orange County into the Top 5 highest taxed Counties in the state of North Carolina (soon to be 4th)
  • Forced and harnessed us, as private property owners and small business owners, to bear 80% of the tax base burden of this County
  • Strategically pummeled and driven new businesses away from this County through red tape, unrealistic restrictions and bureaucracy

Clearly the Tool has grown more than the prosperity of the County.

If the Citizens of District Two and District One are pleased with the representation they are currently receiving from the board, I gladly recommend they continue to vote Democrat. 
I am another Option and with your support, I will gladly fight for your voice to be heard.

I believe in individuals working together making our community better and those individuals are you and me. . I wish to empower individuals and improve our quality of life in Orange County by:

              • Lowering Taxes
              • Expanding Economic Development
              • Making County Government more Accountable and to force it to live with in it’s means
              • Demanding Transparency in Government and bringing the proceedings to the people, not the other way around.
              • Pushing government to increase Liberty instead of Control

Government is not a tool to impose good intentions of one segment of society upon another and it does not create jobs.  Government can only construct degrees of freedom in which prosperity may be created or suppressed.  Understanding this, I wish to enable individuals to make their own choices in Orange. I wish to create conditions so people wish to stay and Grow in Orange.

I have never seen the level of progressive and reckless spending as I do here in Orange. Government has taken the shape of a club. The business climate is hostile and close-minded. The taxes are too high. Land use regulations are becoming more restrictive and District Two feels that they have no Representation. This trend must stop and be reversed to create an environment in which people wish to live with, not under.

If Elected I will:

  • I will not vote for any  further, unnecessary taxes.
  • I will not vote for any tax dollars to be spent on Non-Citizens of the United States.
  • I will begin every board meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance
  • I will oppose any Orange County ventures into services that are available to the Private Sector and seek to privatize as much as possible for taxpayer savings and accountability.
  • I will encourage growth in the Business sector by working to end the hostility toward business and delays in permitting and paring down regulatory barriers to business creation.
  • I will always resort to freedom and liberty as my default positions.
  • I will always use Merit as my gauge in the interests of my district.
  • I seek to only serve one term. Entrenchment serves no one and this allows me to serve D2 as intended
  • I will work for the remaining liberties of Sportsmen to be preserved.

There is not one thing that can aid District Two that cannot aid District One and thus the entire  County. Currently District One is operating at the expense of District Two and by the structure chosen, always determines the representative FOR District Two . That must end.

I am not a politician nor have I been Practicing to be a Politician by working at a  myriad of other bureaucratic levels. I believe the fastest way to the truth is to call things by their real names and in such I will be blunt, forceful, in defense of My District’s interests and I will not temper for, nor entertain frivolity. I’m like most conservatives and unaffiliated citizens of the district, I want to be left alone and free to prosper or fail by my own initiative. The direction of Orange County is not conducive to that goal nor is it in line principles that have brought us to this point and therefore I am prompted to act. The Candidates coming to the BOCC from Chapel Hill next term are like nothing   anything like Orange county has ever seen. I encourage every citizen to act as well as the new shape of the BoCC will resemble a hammer.

Find me on www.facebook.com/ChrisWeaver4NC

Donate Here https://secure.piryx.com/donate/ZMxMhtlm/Weaver-4-BOCC/?utm_source=sharefacebook&utm_campaign=sharestep

A typical day in the Second District. Counting chickens, delivering hay for the horses and talking to citizens concerned about the coming tax storm

18 Responses to “Hello Fellow Orange County Citizens”

  1. Howard Spiva Says:

    I would vote for you.

  2. Jack E. Davis, Sr. Says:

    Chris…..if you mentioned anything pertaining to county, and municipality waste being ferreted out and cut, I must have missed it. Is this an oversight on your part of did you simply fail to address it? At this particular juncture, you DON’T have my vote and neither does a d**n democrat!

  3. Jack, I have been to every Board meeting since I decided to run In January. If I missed you I’m sorry.
    You will find me in the Feb.21 video speaking out with concerned citizens against the Transfer station. I also ask the board to please stop waffling (which they indicated they were) in getting a deal set with Durham for a long term contract for the County alone.

    As I noted in my reply to a Chapel Hill counsel man’s complaint in one of the local papers, there seems to be something insular in not communicating with one another (county /municipality) as his complaint was he had heard nothing from the County. I recall that I compared both groups to a pair using tin cans for communication an neither wished to draw the string tight as that would result in having to act. Forgive me I have not the link to that issue.

    The County has an interest in keeping their fingers in the trash “pudding bowl”. There is money in there, thus they wish to keep CH/C as they fill the bowl faster than the rural areas.

    Chapel Hill is looking at Self-sustainability. They are thinking of taking their bowl and seeking their own solutions. This is commendable as they generate the greatest portion of waste for the county and District Two should not have to supplement this. This “leaving the nest” would result in an initital loss for the county. When there is little commercial revenue stream you tend to covet those ones you have. But, it’s like trying to keep a dependent home for the minor tax break, it’s not worth it. Chapel Hill and Carborro can build their own transfer station on their own land, pay for it themselves and save their tax payers money…which should be the goal of both Governments. This initial revenue loss for Orange is offset by reduced capitol expenditure, maintenance and staffing of a new facility. Reductions in government must translate to reduction in burdens for the citizen.

    The County needs to be in the “getting out of the way business”, not municipal waste business. The County is Government, and no business in the real world uses the “Government Model” as in the real world you do not hold your customers by their purse, you hold customers by your good, expedient, and economical service. Orange is 5th in the state in high taxes. This did not happen overnight. There is nothing good, expedient or economical about that.

    The County has an interest in keeping a finger in the trash pudding bowl. There is money in there, but there are better methods of generating revenue than getting in to the waste business. The rewards are simply not that great, but it is a treasure if the goal is creating more government and strained relationships…as the customer base is held by the purse… and then some.

    There are many things left untouched in this. Recycling, landfills ect. I can promise this, I have no desire to continue the Non action this County has committed itself to in so many areas like waste and associated promises. I am but one new (r)epublican, and as there never has been a republican of any stripe in the History of the Board… I do not see any thing here that my potential 1/7th vote can make worse.

    I would be happy to discuss this with you or anyone further if you like. My number is on my contact page and if I do not answer please leave a message and I will return you call.

    By the way,
    These people are going yeoman’s work and while this is not updated, I find very sensible ideas here;
    I have not disagreed with any waste idea they have mentioned on the web(papers) or in the Board meetings.They send briefings by email and are free.
    Chris Weaver

  4. Jack E. Davis, Sr. Says:

    Chris: You misconstrued my usage of “waste”…..I was, and still am, referring to financial waste, i.e., wasting the taxpayers monies on unnecessary and frivolous projects and inane undertakings. I even see waste in employee misuse and use without proper authorization pertaining to county and town owned vehicles. Misuse and wasting of office supplies…..it may seem minuscule to some, BUT, after a while it adds up and becomes “real” money.

  5. ARG!…well that needed covering anyhow!
    Jack please read my writings here and at http://leadlillypads.wordpress.com/
    We are in agreement on misappropriations.

  6. I wasn`t aware the commissioner were taking away second amendment rights as you alluded to in your sentence about sportsman.

    More importantly, you say the second district feels unrepresented. Well it has two dedicated commissioners so it could easily vote for two Republicans if the public wanted that. It has only two because District 1 has a greater population, the answer to that is for more people to live in District 2. District 2 voters also get a say in the two at large commissioners – making 4 in total (i.e. out voting District 1). BTW I live in District 2 – maybe we don`t need hardcore Republicans.

    Earl McKee is a Republican, “pro development” commissioner – so you are factually wrong to say there has never been one.

    • Patricia Randall Says:

      Earl McKee is a registered Democrat. Who told you he was a Republican???

      • His friends! Including the fella I approached to run for the slot I am in now. There are many decidedly bad votes in my opinion that Mr McKee has made, but I’ve seen some change and currently he is the strongest member in opposition to the Light Rail tax.cw

  7. Mike,
    The preservation and retention of (key words) the remaining rights of sportsmen…is parallel to second amendment rights…but was directed at Hunting.
    The Commissioners are trying to limit the freedom of CHP holders by a new ordinance they are trying to craft. They initially and openly wanted the public to help in this, and now they have rescinded that offer to craft the law in back rooms. A Law that will apply to lawful citizens, not criminals.

    Your perception of the 2nd district is news to me. By simple math they know they can never elect a Republican…alone as D1 wags D2. When this structure was put to referendum in 2006,…it was the only option allowed by the sitting Democrat BoCC as this weighted math was brought up. (now there is the issue of Constitutionality: see Stevens Vs Bartlett)

    Earl McKee is a conservative. He is not a Republican. Check the County Web site. I have worked the voting data for the past several years, Mr. McKee’s name has never been in a R column.

    Historically Republicans do not run here, therefore if you wanted a chance to vote you had to be a Democrat of registered Unaffiliated to vote in the Primary…which as the data shows for Orange…historically is the only election on local matters.

    I’m looking forward to a candidates forum for the general election, but currently all those that are hosting and inviting for the primary forums have not planned any others. It’s not what they are used to doing. The long pauses and blank stares when I inquire about a General Forum would be funny if the notion was not so foreign.

    Yes…perhaps the 2nd District AND 1st do not feel the need for a republican on the BoCC. We are 5th in the state in Taxes, Sales Taxes are going up, the County does not wish to do the Revaluation next year to properly assess our homes for the correct value, they wish to craft law w/o citizen input and they just unanimously voted to limit free speech in February. Yes, perhaps the county is better off having never had a Republican on the Board in it’s History…But I don t think so and that is why I’m not sitting for it.

  8. Rachel Phelps Hawkins Says:

    With your viewpoints, you can probably “take” the Nov. Election; however, you will have to CAMPAIGN mighty heavily in Northern Orange County – like Earl McKee Did. He was our one hope to stay focused on the citizens real issues; however, when a person goes on a governing body, they are met with many obstacles, uhtil they can “figure” out how to make their entry. Earl has STOOD HIS GROUND. Do not criticize this man. Join with him, and maybe, just maybe we will have a chance at having a voice in NORTHERN ORANGE COUNTY. Bring signs and presence to Hillsborough – Last Fridays, Farmers Markets, Hog Day, etc. BE VISIBLE. Your opponent surely is!!!!!

    • My Opinion of Earl has changed, but he has made some ideological mistakes. His position on limiting free speech is unacceptable.
      His position on the light rail UNC employee shuttle is outstanding.

  9. I’ve seen where Earl has done a fine job as a conservative Democrat. I support his efforts to protect the Rural district 2. He often is out-numbered by the District 1 and At-large members from D1. Earl could use Chris Weaver’s help to keep the interests and protection of D2 in mind.

  10. It is interesting that you choose to run because you were surprised at the tax levels in Orange County and made a “mistake” of choosing to live in this county. Surely you should have researched your decision of where to live more.
    You mention this is one of the highest tax counties (most taxes are federal or state so the County has very little lee-way on this). Yet Orange County is also one of the best to live in. It must be since you choose to live here.
    You also mention about developing more, I agree and the County did allow the WaterStone development to proceed. That is a large development, but as yet mainly unfilled (except for the Hospital and Durham Tech). So the opportunities are their for the private sector, the county is not standing in their way.

    • Mike i made the false assumption taxes and the politics where much like anywhere USA on skewed and high. Our situation in relocating was rushed, that is what life hands you sometimes.
      I want development in the Economic Development Districts, but in in there prospective interests must contend w/ a inordinate amount of regulation. A democrat working the polls today was a former planner for Orange. He was telling me horror stories. He also voted for me.

  11. John Jones Says:

    Glad your signs are in the gay flag colors and also you don’t say who is financially supporting your campaign on your signs which is required by law. Glad you are going for the gay vote in Orange County. As an angry young person you are going to lose.

    • John, You seem out of sorts. Yes some of my signs are colorful and I have two art directors that have helped me recycle these signs w/ recycled paint from the dump. The colorful signs are at the direction of my 10 yo Daughter. The red white blue from myself and son. Many signs do follow the law and have the paid for in pencil,pen and crayon. My opponent loves them and I speak to her daily in person and she know I have made them all in my driveway.
      I am not angry, ask my opponent( whom I will not loose as a friend and counsel). I am courting the vote of many democrats and and have received many. In fact if you have not voted already ask those working at the democrat booths about me as I have met and gained the support of most.
      Please come and meet me as I’m out and about all over.
      (NC law does not require a disclaimer for signs under 3×5)
      912 441 SHIP

  12. Hi, Chris. Now that the election is over, I don’t know if you’re still active on this blog. I read it before voting. I’m a fairly liberal Democrat in District 1 and you didn’t get my vote, though I voted against the transit tax and live in the county. Of your arguments, I find the most interesting being that District 2 only has the power to elect Democrats in the primary, because in the main election, District 1 voters will always choose the the Democrats over the Republicans in District 2, regardless of the wishes of the people in District 2. I agree, that’s not fair.

    The obvious solution would be to keep District 1 voters from being able to vote for District 2 candidates in the full election. I would be OK with that. Is this allowed under the NC constitution? It would also be my preference to eliminate partisan politics from Orange County board elections, meaning no primary would be held for them and no party identification would show on the ballot, just like we do for school board elections. In recent years, partisan politics has become a vile thing. The more we can rejecet it from our local politics, the better. What would it take to eliminate partisan elections for Orange County board members? Just an agreement between the two parties locally, or is this controlled at the state level?


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